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I love watching God connect dots! Most of us as Christians can see the hand of God at work by looking in the rear view mirror so to speak. It seems like the only way we see God at work is when we look back in time. I think life changing faith is seeing God though the front windshield trusting that He is always at work.

With this in mind, I have to tell you a short, cool story of how I got to witness God connecting dots recently. For a few years, we have been asking God to raise someone up in the Orlando area who would work First Priority in the local schools there. We have a few schools that have clubs there that were started previously. Zion, who is a senior, leads one of those clubs and is seeing God change students’ lives. His last Engage meeting (gospel shared) of his senior year was today. He reached out to me a few days ago and asked if I could come and speak. zionAs I was reading Zion’s email it reminded me to check in on a guy named Garfield, who I had been talking to for the past six months. He was a Campus Coach for First Priority in South Florida for years before moving to South Carolina to be a Youth Pastor. He had reached out to me because he and his wife were feeling the call to go to Orlando. When I called him yesterday, he told me that he had already moved to Orlando and was interviewing for a Youth Pastor job! Goose bumps.

The next thing I did was connect him and Zion together and today, Garfield was the guest speaker for the First Priority club at Zion’s school. They had almost 100 students in attendance and they saw eight students give their lives to Christ!

God connects dots. Now I don’t care who you are…that’s cool!

~ Mark Roberts, Associate Director of First Priority of America.

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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