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Parents See God Move among Their Students

Story from a parent whose son is involved in FP North Alabama

My son Avery, went to FP last week and the leader asked them to write a name down, pray for the person, and invite them to FP this week.

He invited an atheist friend who flat out said, “No!”

None of his friends went with him; so, he went alone.  He said only about 6 people showed up; so, the pastor asked them to take extra sausage and biscuits to their friends.

Avery grabbed 3 extras and headed towards his friends, who didn’t see him coming.  One friend, who he isn’t sure he’s a believer said, “Today is going to be awful because I’m so hungry!”  Avery walked up, reached around him and put the sausage and biscuit in his face.  His friend was amazed and said, “How did you know? How did you do that?”

He was able to talk to him about FP a little more.  This friend said, “Ok, I may start going there with you.”

God is working in many ways!  He’s training our kids to disciple, to overcome objections and criticism, and to know that God will set up situations to help them reach others!

Thank you for your prayers and for all you do every week!  Thank the Pastor who devotes his time there too. This is from a parent, it’s not the numbers but the faithful obedience of the ones who answer the call.

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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