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Big Things with a Big God

By January 10, 2018Uncategorized

Have you ever thought about how big God really is? Have you ever stopped long enough to look up into the sky and think how big is the God we serve?


If you are like me, we have a tendency to put God in a three dimensional box that we have created out of our own experiences. In a society where we, for the most part, have our needs and wants taken care of, we pull God out of a box only when we are at church. We might run to Him on certain occasions (when we are in need), but we seldom think of God and his unbelievable creation. The Bible states in Ephesians 3:20 “ that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we even ask or think!”

Now I don’t know about you, but I can think of some pretty unbelievable stuff. Hollywood does a good job of blowing our minds with stuff, but God can do things we could not even dream of. Seriously, things we can’t dream of, wow! (I bet heaven is crazy cool) We use words to describe God, but are there really any that can even come close? If you read John’s account of his revelation in the book of Revelation and his description of things God allowed him to see, I bet it was hard to find the words. All these things are way above our understanding. I heard a guy say one time, “if you or I understood everything about God, He would be no bigger than our understanding.” That’s good!

In this new year let’s keep our minds on doing big things with a big God, like reaching campuses for Christ!

Mark Roberts
Associate Director
FP of America

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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