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Stories to Tell

There are so many stories to tell. So many lives changed. It’s amazing to come to work each day and get to read story after story of what God is doing in our schools across America. And to think, when I started working for First Priority, I wasn’t even looking for a job. I thought I was coming on to fulfill a temporary need of extra staff for a month or two and then I would be done. But God knew so much more than I knew and he placed me here for a reason. A year and half later, I am so thankful that this job was more than a month long position. God knew what I needed and when I needed it.

I want to share with you some of the stories from our clubs that I have the privilege to read everyday as they come across my email.

“We had a teacher come that was invited by another teacher to hear the gospel shared by a student. The teacher filled out a response card noting that he was giving his life to Jesus for the first time. He was a member at the Church of the Latter Day Saints”

“This week was Engage week for us. We had 3 students share their story and 2 students respond to the gospel!”

“As we talked about who God was and presented the gospel to them, 2 students made a decision for Christ.  It was amazing!!”

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“We tried to wait to tell you, but we just couldn’t! 33 more students heard the good news of the Gospel…and said yes to Jesus this week!”

“5 more students responded to the Gospel this month! We believe that students reach students and have the ability to make a major impact on their campus through First Priority Clubs. Thank you for investing in students!”

This is just a small sample of what I get to see every day. First Priority is changing lives for Christ. I’m so grateful to be a part of the movement and am glad God’s timing is perfect.

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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