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When God Speaks

Recently, I attended our national conference and we were challenged to reach out to neighboring counties with the gospel. I have had reservations about expanding. My first reservation is with 26 active clubs right now, I have feared being spread too thin. But at our conference God spoke to me. “What are you afraid of that I can’t handle?” “I am waiting on you to step out in faith.” My thoughts went to Joshua 3:14-17, when the children of Israel wanted to cross into the promised land but the Jordan river was flooding. God told them to cross, but they were afraid. Finally, when the priests stepped their feet into the river, it parted!


At our board meeting last week, I shared with everyone what God had said to me and we discussed expanding early next year. But God already had things in motion! I received a message the next evening from a teacher in McCreary County saying she had “a few students who want a First Priority Club here.” The next day, I went to McCreary Central High School to meet with “a few students” and 147 students came and we had to move to the library!!! God had been working in their hearts for a while and as soon as I stepped foot in the river, it parted.

We are excited to start our 10th school year! We have had reports of 9 more students giving their lives to Christ since my last letter! 1,951 students have accepted Christ through First Priority Tri-County in our 10 years of existence. We have a big mission, but we also serve a big God.

Tim Bargo,
FP Tri-County

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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