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Partner Banquet: Results and Progress

Less than two weeks ago, we celebrated the many things that God is doing in Johnston County and across America at our second annual First Priority Partner Banquet. It is amazing to see how God is using Elementary, Middle, and High School students to impact their schools with the hope of Christ.


Since our launch in Johnston County, we have grown to:

18 schools
28 partner churches
175 student leaders
100 adult volunteers
700 in weekly attendance
322 commitments to Christ.

We are humbled and honored to see what God is doing through the students of Johnston County. Our vision is to be in every school in Johnston County by the end of 2019. This goal is based on the interest of students across Johnston County who want First Priority in their schools.

We would like to give a special thank you to everyone who attended the Banquet. It was our pleasure to host you and spend the evening together. Through your partnership of praying, promoting, participating, and providing, this mission can be accomplished. We are excited to continue this journey together!

Joel Rowland
Executive Director of First Priority Greater Clayton, NC

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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