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Good News!

By April 19, 2016Uncategorized

Jesus calls all that follow Him to be fishers of men. He then challenged all of His followers with the great commission “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16: 15)

Our calling as a follower of Christ is to preach the good news. The good news that God wants all people to know Him, and have real life. Paul, if you remember, met Christ on his way to Damascus. After his encounter with Jesus, he said he went and started declaring the good news in Damascus that all should turn back to God. I like to think of this as Paul sharing the good news right where God put him. Where has God put you? He saved you, and then left you where you are at to influence the people you are around. Your family, your friends, your school or work place. All the people that you encounter at all these places are searching and looking for life and hope. You might be the only light they see or the only Bible that they ever read. It is you, don’t be disobedient to your calling. Think about the people that God has placed in your life and simply start praying for them. You might be surprised at how God will use you to influence them toward a relationship with Jesus.

Keep Fishing,

Mark Roberts

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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