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Slow Down

By April 11, 2016Uncategorized

Proverbs 16:32
“He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty,
And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.”

The verse said slow to anger not that you would never get angry. But there is a difference in slow calculated, thought out through and through anger. Sometimes we have to look at situations from a different angle or perspective. Love is in your heart not pride. Pride causes me to get mad early because it usually is affecting me. Living in the Spirit is not me having control but Who do I give control to, me or Jesus?

I need to love God and then I will love others. If I give my heart to the Holy Spirit everyday then I will see things from a different perspective and not be affected by things that make me mad. I do not want to approach things from a selfish angle but from a Godly angle. What does God get mad at? What are the 7 things He hates? Most of them have to do with a prideful spirit. I have come to realize that when someone cuts me off in traffic or I burn with anger against my neighbor it is my problem because I am not looking at it through the eye of Jesus, but myself.

Lord, help me daily to look to You to rule my spirit so that I don’t get angry at the things that are about me. If I do get angry help them be at the things that make you angry.


Keep Fishing,

Mark Roberts

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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