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3 Ways to Strip Arrogance from Your Ministry

By October 15, 2015Uncategorized

Colossians 3 :12 “Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness and long-suffering.”

It is interesting to note in our society the approval of the word “arrogant”. What once was a negative conetation is now considered the landmark of a strong leader. This is one more example of how Satan has so easily twisted the minds of our society. His goal is always to distort the truth. Arrogance and leadership being synonymous with one another is certainly a crude twisting of truth.

One of the greatest examples of leadership in the Bible is Moses. However, Numbers 12:3 states “he was meek”. In fact, so much so, that the Bible says he was the meekest person in all the world at the time. Take a quick assessment of your ministry right now, and compare it to the ministry of Moses. Do you really have any reason to be arrogant? Me neither.

So, how do we keep ourselves humble, but confident? Here are three simple assessments you can do daily to ensure your ministry is wrapped in meekness.

1. Don’t Forget
Romans 3:23, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God;”. How easily we redeemed souls forget just where God brought us from, saved us from , and has protected us from. We walk in such mercy and grace daily, it is easy to forget the beautiful lives we are living and the great ministry we are blessed with is ONLY because HE saved us. Your life and my life would be in shambles RIGHT NOW if it weren’t for salvation and divine providence.

2. You’re Not In Ministry Alone
1 Corinthians 12:12, “For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.” Achievements in ministry can make one believe the lie that somehow they were responsible for the victory. Satan is a liar. Achievements in ministry are as the result of many believers working together. You may not even realize someone is praying for your success. Your success is tied to their prayers. You may not realize someone has been tilling the hard ground for years that you come along and reap a harvest from. Your success is tied to their years of tilling. An arrogant body part believes they are the most important, necessary part of the body. However, the truth is, every part of the body is VITAL. We need each other. There is no place for arrogance in the body of Christ.

3. You Need a Savior
Isaiah 53:6, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” The truth is, you may be walking in victory in today. But tomorrow, there is a chance you will fall. No one is immune from the sinful nature that permeates from within each of us. No one is immune from the attacks of the evil one. No one is immune from the hurts of being in the “Christian World”. Let the words you say today, be a soft landing spot for tomorrow should you fall.

Look at the words in the first scripture again…“Put on therefore, as the elect of God (God has CALLED you, He ELECTED YOU to hold the position in ministry you hold right now!) holy (means “different”, are you “different” from this world?) and beloved (when others speak of you, is it with affection?), bowels of mercies (this means you literally ache in your belly to give mercy to others), kindness, (do people say you are kind? Always?) humbleness of mind, (this means understanding the above mentioned three points) meekness (to be like Moses, a GREAT leader, yet understanding all accolades go the Father of Light) and long-suffering. (Are you willing to hang in there with others and grant them grace in their learning curve of life?)”

So…why don’t you make Satan angry today and become the meek leader has called you to be? Don’t allow arrogance in your ministry. Not even for one day.

Blessings to you!
Amy Hall

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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