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52 Days to HOT

By July 29, 2015Uncategorized

52 Days to Hot

Nehemiah 7:3 states: “I said to them, “The gates of Jerusalem are not
to be opened until the sun is hot. While the gatekeepers are still on
duty, have them shut the doors and bar them. Also appoint residents
of Jerusalem as guards, some at their posts and some near their own

As we look at the 7th chapter of Nehemiah, we notice that Nehemiah gave specific instructions to the people of Jerusalem. Your job as the director for First Priority is the same. You organize and challenge the networks to bring the Hope of Christ to every student. Notice that the gates were not to be opened “until the sun is hot”. Ask yourself these questions, “Is the school ministry we are launching ‘hot’? Is everything in place?”  When you get to your ministry launch date, here are the things that need to be “hot”.

Networked churches.
Networked parents.
Trained Campus Coach.
Trained student leaders.
Trained faculty sponsor.
Has your network of student leaders gotten permission from the school?
Do you have a meeting place?
Are the churches promoting the launch of the cycle?

Nehemiah gave instruction, motivated, challenged and organized the people to do their part. You do that through the Initiation Team and the Vision Casting Event.  They successfully completed their task and the walls were rebuilt in 52 days. You aren’t rebuilding the physical walls around a city, but your task is not easy either. Your work is important. God has placed you in your community to unite the church and bring about revival. Go and make sure it is “hot”.

Brad Schelling

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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