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The Hope of Christ in Every Student

By December 18, 2012Nehemiah

Hey “Nehemiah”

As we see another week coming to an end, we are reminded of the ending last week and those in desperation and need in Newtown, Connecticut. They will experience 26 funerals in the days leading up to Christmas. Though evil will always exist in our fallen world, it is these stories that rally us all the more. We are reminded of the power of life change, when the Holy Spirit walks a lost student into a relationship with Jesus Christ in a school setting and the impact of that moment in this and future generations. This is the only thing we at First Priority are here for; helping to organize the local church to share the gospel in their local school. We share a message of crisis with the church before and during the stories that make the news because these types of things happen every day inĀ America.

Every day in America, of students from ages 5 – 17:

  • 5 are killed by abuse or neglect
  • 5 commit suicide
  • 32 die from accidents
  • 186 are arrested for violent offenses.
  • 368 are arrested for drug offenses.
  • 1,204 babies are born to teen mothers.
  • 3,312 high school students drop out.

This happens in cities, towns, villages, rural, urban and suburban each and every day. Scripture tells us why: All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. The solution is spiritual. Will you organize the family of God in our community like Nehemiah did in his to rebuild the “spiritual walls” and bring The Hope of Christ to Every Student?

In Christ,
Brad Schelling
Director of Expansion – FPOA


Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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