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8 Times the Impact!

Recently, Barna research released that only 10% of Gen Z church goers are actively living out their faith in our current culture.

That is alarming!

However, that research also showed that the same 10% are willing to live more boldly for Christ than previous generations, allowing them to have a huge impact on those around them.

This is exciting! 

The best news, we are seeing the 10% rise up on South Florida campuses!

Last Wednesday in Miami-Dade County, eight schools hosted their club to be an outreach event on their campus. In every one of those eight schools, student leaders actively brought their friends and shared the Gospel!

86 students made a decision to follow Jesus as a result of those eight clubs!

Students are fired up about sharing the love, peace, and hope of Jesus with all their classmates. They are standing unashamed in both their words and actions. As a result,  many of their classmates are attracted to their boldness for Jesus and want to know more.

God is using these students in a mighty way to change thousands of lives in their schools.



Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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