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3 Reasons Why Every Church Should Hang the ‘Student’s Bill of Rights’ in the Youth Room.

1. Because students do not know their rights.
I have been in student ministry for 20 years. I have worked for First Priority for the past 8. While I am not a huge talker, you would think that my kids know that they have the right to talk about their faith at school. But, I still have to remind them that their teacher is wrong. The First Amendment gives them the right to talk about faith and grace in their homework and in their classroom when the moments present themselves. We all need reminding of our freedoms. I read my Bible and pray on a regular basis because I am not smart enough to remember what God has done for me longer than 24 hours. Let’s help students remember that God has given them the place and platform to speak light into dark and hopeless souls at school.

2. Because teachers don’t know the Equal Access Act law
It is well known in student ministry that life after high school often leads even the strongest Christian students away from faith. What would make us think that the education department of the local university would make sure that all new teachers know how to help students share faith in Christ? Nothing. The opposite is more true. Many times they simply ignore the law completely. Often, they continually preach separation of church and state. Not only do students need to know their rights, teachers need to know that they can help by being the custodial presence in the classroom.

3. Because this is the moment in history when your student leaders have the opportunity to influence their generation.
At no other time in the lifespan of a person do they have the influence and proximity to such a large group of people than when you attend school. After school, we all break off into companies, shifts, and management levels. Our groups are smaller than when you are part of the 100 or 2,000 that walk the halls of school everyday. Let’s capitalize on the opportunity. After all, many students in your community haven’t rejected the message of Jesus, they have never heard it.
For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”  “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:13-15

Let’s send students to their school to preach the Good News of Jesus to those who haven’t yet heard!


Brad Schelling

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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