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17 Ways to Serve the School

By April 4, 2018FP Tools

Below are a few different ideas to reach local school campuses for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  1. Become a School Chaplin– Sports Teams, District Ceremonies, Praying over a Banquet.
  2. Principal Q&A– Bring the Principals onto your church campus and interview them on stage to discover school needs.
  3. Lunch Duty– Give the teachers a break during lunch, and cover cafeteria duty for them.
  4. Disciple Now Service Projects– Spend your Disciple Now free time serving on your local school campus, invest in areas that they are limited by time and resources to address.
  5. School Year Kickoff– Have a time where you do something special for the school to launch the school year. Walking the halls and rooms, taking time to pray over each room. Even leave a card letting the teacher know that you prayed for them.
  6. Special Need Sponsorship– Special Need programs are always limited on funds and accessibility. Look for ways that you can minister to this “nation” on campus.
  7. Car Drop Off– Another time that teachers could use a break is during car drop off duty. Taking this off their plate gives you a chance to interact with students and parents.
  8. School Clubs– As stated above… this is one of the best ways to impact your campus.
  9. In Service Meals– Show the teachers that you love and care for them by providing a meal for them during their in-service work days.
  10. A&B Honor Roll Gifts– This is an incredible way to show the school that you want to partner with them. By celebrating successes, you are a great way to connect with parents and show that you care.
  11. Faculty Breakfast– Randomly bring breakfast or cookies to the school with a little note. Let them know that you appreciate their hard work and their calling.
  12. Prayer Walk– Make prayer the front and center of your ministry on and off campus. Pray for your schools, teachers, students, staff, and administrators.
  13. Award Banquets– Offer your church as a place for the local schools to hold their banquets taking the stress off of the directors, sponsors, and coaches. This is a great way to get student through the threshold of the church during a non-church event.
  14. Senior Breakfast– As students start to think about the future, this is an opportunity to share a look, a word, and a touch! This also gets parents and students through the threshold of the church.
  15. Crisis Team– Be there when crisis happens. Let them know that you want to make yourself available to listen and offer a safe place for students to vent.
  16. School Assemblies– You most likely will not be able to have a gospel conversation during the assembly, but you can get your face in front of students, promote events, and have gospel conversations before and after the assembly.
  17. School Events– Be at as many events as possible. This is time consuming, but worth it. Students want to know you care and when you take time out of your day to show interest in their lives, they will connect with you sooner and stronger.

by Cameron Crow

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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