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13 Weeks to Life Change! Nehemiah Introduction

By June 15, 2015Uncategorized

13 Weeks to Life Change
“God’s presence is better than drugs.” Bryan found himself high on a substance that he was unfamiliar with that a friend had given to him. It caused blood to pool through his arms. One day at school, he found himself invited to a First Priority club by a friend from band. Two months later, he was in church surrounded by Christians. He went from drugs to church kids. He felt connected to his family. Life was full. God was present. You can check out more of his story here:

Welcome back to the First Priority Blog. We took some time off, part on purpose, part not intentionally. We’ve been through some restructuring of our organization to better serve you. We are now ready to be back in our routine of weekly emails to encourage and equip you to Connect the Church to the school Campus for the cause of Christ.

Our Vision is clear: the Hope of Christ in every student in America.

Many students do not reject Jesus, they simply do not know he offers hope. The world has told them that Jesus was all about religion rather than relationship.

Our Mission tells us how to see our vision become reality: Unite the local body of Christ with a plan of action to influence their schools with the gospel.

Every member of the body of Christ has a role to play in bringing Hope to this next generation. We see this analogy of leadership played out in the life of Nehemiah. So, for the next 13 weeks, we will share 13 pieces of unity, collaborative effort, overcoming obstacles, raising funds, perseverance, and more.

You do NOT want to miss out! Share this with friends and loved ones. Get ready to see God use you to change the culture of your community!

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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