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1 Struggle. 1 Solution. Nehemiah 1

By June 15, 2015Uncategorized

1 struggle. 1 Solution.
As we see another school year come to an end, we find a new season upon us: Summer. With change comes the opportunity to evaluate. I pray that you have done this in your ministry. We are doing this in ours. With evaluations come the good and the bad. In Nehemiah chapter one, Nehemiah’s friends come back with an evaluation of the city of Jerusalem. They report that the walls of the city are broken and the city lays in ruins. They also report a remnant, those who have survived and continue to live in the city of Jerusalem. In America we see a similar picture of despair with a glimmer of hope. The spiritual walls/lives of students today are broken, resulting in statistics like this:
Every day in America, of students from ages 5 – 17:
5 are killed by abuse or neglect
5 commit suicide
32 die from accidents
186 are arrested for violent offenses.
368 are arrested for drug offenses.
1,204 babies are born to teen mothers.
3,312 high school students drop out.
America also has a remnant, believing students living out seven to twelve hours of faith a day at school, resulting in stories like this:
Steven reported to us this month: “Since we started FP in Lake City, our youth group has taken on a completely new identity. Our Students are excited about (instead of afraid of) reaching their friends for Jesus. The results are simple: Our Youth groups has grown, dozens of students are getting saved and the Christian presence at the school is thriving!”
“Frankie” in Tampa – he used to be an atheist and this group has helped him to start believing in God.
“Raven” in Tampa – it helps her connect to God in school……….FP gives her things to ponder and consider………because of FP, I now want to let others know about my faith and be baptized.
These negative stats and positive stories happen in cities, towns, villages, rural, urban and suburban each and every day across America. Scripture tells us why: All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. The solution is spiritual. Will you organize the family of God in your community like Nehemiah did to rebuild the “spiritual walls” and bring the Hope of Christ to every student?

 Brad Schelling

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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